Products protected by Anti-counterfeit technologies are (1) Individually tracked (2) Have individual Protection (3) plug revenue leaks (4) Protect your Brand (5) provides you an unique USP and (6) increases sales due to increased brand recognition and customer trust.

Cheap copies of products could be hurting you right now!

Almost anything valuable or vital, (like medicines, equipment, clothes, perfumes, spares, inks,etc) is being copied today. These cheap copies find their way to customers, leading to Manufacturers losing their brand image, revenues and good will while Customers suffer and sometimes, even die!
Today, we have easy, cost-effective ways to prevent this.

If you are a manufacturer then Click here to know more...
If you are a customer/client then Click here to know more...

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The Problem

Analysts estimate the trade in the global counterfeit market is worth between US$200 and US$432 billion.  That is the kind of money honest, hardworking companies like yours are losing every year. Counterfeit trade is not only illegal, it also takes away revenues from lawful brands and encourages criminal activities. Consumers end up being cheated off their money and receive dubious/dangerous items and Consumers health and safety can be jeopardized. And worse still, Brands end-up losing trust, brand-value and as a result, revenues. Using iron-clad Anti-counterfeit solutions will ensure that clients will gain  trust and assurance that your anti-counterfeit labeled products are genuine and will purchase from you, rather than your competitor. 

Domains hard hit by Counterfeits

The Solution

BFR technologies is a vertical of LYNK AmbuPod Pvt ltd, a 7 year old government certified start-up focusing on providing genuine medicines and treatment in rural India. During the Covid 19 pandemic we found that a large percentage of medicines in rural India were counterfeit leading to preventable morbidities and deaths. Unfortunately, this is a global issue. Further research revealed that not just drugs but even items like electronics, mechanical spares, printer cartridges, inks, leather goods, perfumes, shoes, clothes, jewelry and a host of other high value items are also being counterfeited. We therefore looked around for anti-counterfeit solutions. Regrettably, despite the many solutions available, we did NOT find a solution appropriate in cost, safety, simplicity or support for mass use in India, especially at the bottom-of-the-pyramid. We realized that there was a big problem waiting for a solution, and so we took up the challenge.

There are many such technologies globally, but many are either unnecessarily complex, expensive or focused on trying to use so-called cutting edge tech - even though it may be not fully tested or even safe. We have distilled the tech available today to create simple yet iron-clad algos, processes and hardware solutions based on the KISS principle. Simple to setup, simple to use, impossibly tough to crack.
Algos, encryptions, QR/bar codes, short URLs, etc have all been used to essentially 'Tokenize' information so as to determine what is fake and what is not. However the more exotic or complex the solution, the more holes it has. Our solutions cater to the lowest common factor and yet provide simple but enterprize grade, elegant anti-counterfeit solutions.
Made For All
We do need to go to the stars and beyond with cutting edge technology, but let us not forget that our solutions should also be simple and affordable for the masses, the masses that cannot even afford a second-hand smart phone.
Further, we understand that the anti-counterfeit tech for a bottle of wine costing in hundreds cannot be the same as for a rare painting costing hundreds of thousands. In other words, not only should the cost of the solution be appropriate for the product but also be easy to merge it into the work flow of the manufacturer. And that is why we have come out with four levels of Anti-counterfeit technology. The higher the level the more capabilities it has whether it be tracking, 2nd sales, movement detection or a host of other features. Of course the core, rock-solid technology lies embedded in all Levels.


We have ready solutions that can be customized to suit your requirements and factory work flows.
We could give you the perfect solution for your products in as little as 7 days!

Phone Phone

+ 919380305282 ; + 919970921266 (whatsapp)

Address Address

T1-1401, 14th floor, GM Infinite Silver Springfield, Mallasandra, Hesaraghatta main Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560057 - India